Untangling Handlers and HandleFuncs in Go

Go provides a very useful http package with a built-in HTTP server that can be spun up in a just a few lines of code. If you’re like me and quickly like to get your hands on some sample code, it can be a bit confusing at first glance when you see references to Handlers, HandleFuncs, Handle, and HandleFunc. In this tutorial I’ll explain what each is, how to use them, and walk through an example of creating a very basic API.
Headless Kali Linux Lab Setup Using Docker

I recently built myself a new Kali Linux lab for playing CTFs using Docker. It is more lightweight and portable than a VM. In this article I will share how it works and how I had to adapt my CTF workflow to support hacking from a Docker container.
Creating Your First VPC: A Step-by-Step Guide

One of the most useful (and in my opinion, coolest!) features of the AWS cloud is the ability to create your own Virtual Private Cloud (VPC).
What is a VPC? It’s a private virtual network that allows you to design and launch scalable, secure networks in a matter of minutes. VPCs are logically isolated from other network in the AWS cloud, meaning by default, traffic cannot flow in or out of them.
Intro to Vagrant

If you’ve ever started building a project that is running great locally, only to have it fail to build on a teammate’s machine or when deployed to any other environment despite your meticulous, step-by-step setup instructions, you may want to consider using a tool like Vagrant. Vagrant enables you to build a consistent virtual environment for developing and running software from any machine. It’s easy to make your local development environment mirror your production server while also making it portable. This can save lots of time when someone new joins the project, as the setup is all but done for them already.
Pure CSS Line Clamp Toggle

I’m currently working on a frontend project at work currently that involves building out a library of Twig components for a large website running on Drupal. The mobile designs for the component I’m working on today require that if the description field has more than one paragraph, only the first 2 lines of the first paragraph should be displayed along with a basic toggle switch so a user can read more if they want. There are multiple ways to approach this, but I wanted to come up with a pure CSS solution without using any javascript. Read more to see what I came up with!