Pure CSS Line Clamp Toggle

I’m currently working on a frontend project at work currently that involves building out a library of Twig components for a large website running on Drupal. The mobile designs for the component I’m working on today require that if the description field has more than one paragraph, only the first 2 lines of the first paragraph should be displayed along with a basic toggle switch so a user can read more if they want. There are multiple ways to approach this, but I wanted to come up with a pure CSS solution without using any javascript. Read more to see what I came up with!
Reflecting on My Adult ASD Diagnosis

I was recently diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder at age 34. I always suspected the way I think is different from others, and now I have an explanation for why. I’ve spent the last year reading several books and blogs, watching videos on YouTube, and discovering online communities of adults who have shared the experience of being diagnosed later in life in an attempt to better understand how my brain works. It is equally creepy and exciting to stumble on so many other firsthand accounts of life experiences that I easily could have written as my own. In this essay, I am reflecting on some of my own experiences as well as sharing some of what I’ve learned about autism.
THM: Reversing ELF

This challenge is a really basic introduction to reversing Linux programs (ELFs) made up of 6 different mini challenges. Tools we’ll use to solve these include
, ltrace
, and a software reverse engineering tool suite from the NSA known as Ghidra. These are meant to be beginner friendly challenges, although basic knowledge of programming and C is necessary. We won’t be writing any code here, but in the later challenges we’ll read through decompiled C code to solve them.
THM: Brute It

Brute It is an easy box for practicing brute force techniques. After some simple recon we’ll brute force our way through a login form to gain access to an admin panel. Once authenticated we’re provided a user’s private RSA key file which we’ll need to crack the passphrase for in order to use it to gain shell access. Finally, we’ll exploit sudo privileges to leak the root user’s password hash, and crack it again with brute force in order to get a root shell.
THM: Zeno

Zeno is a medium difficulty Linux box with a vulnerable web application we’ll exploit to get a shell. With a bit more enumeration we’ll find credentials for a user account to get the first flag. Finally we’ll abuse a misconfiguration of a service file to escalate privileges to root.