THM: Hacker vs. Hacker

THM: Hacker vs. Hacker is an easy linux box that has already been compromised by another hacker! We’ll start by enumerating a web app to find a file upload vulnerability that the other hacker previously exploited and closed. Then we’ll continue with enumeration to find the webshell they uploaded. Once on the box we will find user creds and a big hint in a bash history file that points to a privesc vector. Finally we’ll exploit a path injection vulnerability to get a root shell.
Reverse Engineering Loop Exercise

This writeup walks through a simple reverse engineering exercise from session 2 of Introduction to Reverse Engineering with Ghidra. We’re given a binary that expects an unknown key as a command line argument. We’ll use Ghidra to disassemble and decompile it, and then step through the code to figure out what the secret key is.
THM: Blog

THM: Blog is a linux boot to root challenge that starts with a vulnerable WordPress blog. With the help of wpscan we’ll enumerate usernames and brute force a password. With those creds we can exploit a known RCE bug for this version of WP to get a shell. Finally we’ll do some basic static analysis of a root-owned SUID binary to escalate to a root shell.
THM: b3dr0ck

THM: b3dr0ck is a Flintstones themed boot to root challenge that fairly straightforward and mostly involves enumeration. We’ll start by exploring the open services on the box and leaking credentials in order to gain a foothold. Once on the box we will continue with our enumeration by looking through some of the code for the leaky service in order to get the password for and pivot to another low-privilege user. Finally we’ll get a root shell by deobfuscating a password hash and finding the plaintext in a rainbow table.
THM: Tech_Supp0rt: 1

THM: Tech_Supp0rt: 1 is a linux boot to root challenge where we’ll pwn a fake tech support scam company. We’ll start by leaking credentials for a web CMS through an open SMB share. The CMS turns out to be vulnerable to authenticated arbitrary file uploads, and since we have creds we can exploit this to get a shell. Once on the box, there are 2 paths we can take to getting a root shell. One involves pivoting to another user on the system and exploiting their sudo privileges, and another involves exploiting CVE-2021-4043.
THM: Agent T

THM: Agent T is fast and easy box demonstrating the importance of enumeration. After a quick port scan we’ll quickly see that something about the only service running seems odd. It is a development build of PHP, and a quick web search tell us this version includes a backdoor that allows an attacker to easily achieve RCE by simply manipulating HTTP headers.
THM: Biblioteca

THM: Biblioteca is a medium difficulty Linux box that starts with a classic SQL injection vulnerability. We’ll use several UNION attacks to enumerate the database and eventually leak some user credentials. We’ll use those to SSH in to the box and pivot to another user account by simply guessing a weak password. Finally, we’ll escalate to a root shell by hijacking the PYTHONPATH environment variable when running a python script via sudo.
THM: Watcher

THM: Watcher is a boot to root that’s broken down into a series of several mini flags. We’ll start with exploiting an LFI vulnerability to leak credentials for FTP, and then we will upload a shell and launch it with the LFI. Once on the box we’ll privesc through a series of low privilege users before ultimately getting root. This box doesn’t require any advanced techniques, just lots of enumeration.
THM: Startup

THM: Startup is an easy Linux box that’s good for practicing enumeration. We will be pentesting the systems of Spice Hut, a spicy new food startup company. It starts off with a misconfigured FTP service that allows anonymous read access as well as write access in a specific directory. We will abuse this to upload some PHP shell code that we can execute through the HTTP service to get our initial foothold. Once on the box, a bit of enumeration reveals a PCAP file labeled as a suspicious incident. After combing through this file we’ll find the password for an unprivileged user. From there, privesc is a straightforward manipulation of a shell script being executed by root on a cronjob.
THM: Overpass

THM: Overpass is a linux box that starts out with a simple authentication bypass on a website to access an admin page that revelas a SSH key. We’ll have to crack the passphrase, but once that’s done we’ll be able to SSH to the box. The theme of this box involves a “secure” password manager written by some compsci students. The source code is provided which will reveal where and how password data is stored. Once we understand how it works we’ll retrieve a password for another user on the box. Finally, we’ll abuse open file permissions on the hosts file to control what code is being executed by a cronjob running as root in order to escalate privileges.
THM: Archangel

THM: Archangel is fun easy box that has involves one of my favorite techniques: escalating LFI to RCE by poisoning a log file. Once we have a shell we’ll take advantage of open permissions on a file running as cronjob to pivot to another user. And we’ll finish with a path injection attack to root the box.
THM: Team

THM: Team is supposed to be aimed at beginners but requires a lot of enumeration and persistence to get through to root. It can feel like there are a lot of rabbit holes getting started, but once we make it through a few rounds of content enumeration we’ll find a hint that leads us to a hidden PHP page where we can exploit an LFI vulnerability. We’ll use that to find FTP credentials and later an SSH key that we can use to get into the box. Finally we’ll escalate our privileges to root by exploiting a command injection vulnerability in a bash script and then adding a malicious command to script running on a cronjob as root.
THM: OhMyWebserver

THM: OhMyWebserver is a medium difficulty linux box that presents a fun set of challenges. We’ll exploit multiple CVEs to get remote code executions. There are multiple layers of privilege escalation, as the initial target is a docker container. Let’s get started!
THM: Gallery

THM: Gallery is a fun boot to root challenge that involves a variety of techniques to get the initial foothold. We’ll start by enumerating an Apache server that’s running a highly flawed image gallery CMS. It is vulnerable to SQL injection which we’ll exploit to bypass authentication. Once logged in we’ll find out there is no filtering or validation on file uploads, and we’ll be able to upload arbitrary PHP code and use that to send ourselves a reverse shell. Finally, we’ll do some basic enumeration on the box to capture the flags.
THM: LazyAdmin

LazyAdmin is an easy and fun linux box running a PHP-based CMS. We’ll start with some enumeration to find our way around, and that will eventually lead to credentials for the CMS being leaked through a database backup. Once we have admin access we’ll be able to upload and execute arbitrary PHP code, which we’ll exploit to get a shell. There’s not much required to grab the user flag from there, and we can abuse a combination of sudo privileges with wide open file permissions to escalate to a root shell. Let’s get started!
THM: Reversing ELF

This challenge is a really basic introduction to reversing Linux programs (ELFs) made up of 6 different mini challenges. Tools we’ll use to solve these include
, ltrace
, and a software reverse engineering tool suite from the NSA known as Ghidra. These are meant to be beginner friendly challenges, although basic knowledge of programming and C is necessary. We won’t be writing any code here, but in the later challenges we’ll read through decompiled C code to solve them.
THM: Brute It

Brute It is an easy box for practicing brute force techniques. After some simple recon we’ll brute force our way through a login form to gain access to an admin panel. Once authenticated we’re provided a user’s private RSA key file which we’ll need to crack the passphrase for in order to use it to gain shell access. Finally, we’ll exploit sudo privileges to leak the root user’s password hash, and crack it again with brute force in order to get a root shell.
THM: Zeno

Zeno is a medium difficulty Linux box with a vulnerable web application we’ll exploit to get a shell. With a bit more enumeration we’ll find credentials for a user account to get the first flag. Finally we’ll abuse a misconfiguration of a service file to escalate privileges to root.
THM: Jason

Jason is an easy box where we’ll practice exploiting insecure deserialization in NodeJS. To make it a little more interesting, this is a blind vulnerability, meaning we’ll have to find some other way besides checking if our input is reflected back to us to verify code execution.
THM: Wonderland

This Alice in TryHackMe Wonderland themed box is quite the rabbit hole. It starts with some basic web app enumeration, leading us to leaked credentials buried deep in a series of hidden directories. Once we get a foothold we’ll solve a series of path/code injection challenges with some light reversing to make a couple of horizontal jumps before finally getting a root shell. I really enjoyed this box. The hints make it more like a puzzle than realistic hacking challenge, but the privesc was fun.
THM: Mustacchio

Mustacchio is a fun boot to root Linux box. We’ll start with some enumeration on a HTTP service and find credentials for the admin panel in a SQLite database backup. Once we’re in, it quickly becomes apparent we’ll want to test for XXE after more enumeration. With XXE confirmed, we can then exfiltrate the private key of a user on the box and use that to gain SSH access. Finally we’ll escalate privileges by performing a path injection attack on a root-owned SUID binary.
THM: Debug

In Debug we’ll practice an exploitation technique called PHP Objection Injection, also known as a PHP deserialization attack. This vulnerability occurs when an application does not sanitize user-supplied input before passing it to the
function. It is not unique to PHP, and is also found in Python, Java, Node.js, and other object-oriented languages.
THM: UltraTech

UltraTech is a web hacking challenge that involves enumerating a corporate site and an API belonging to a fictional blockchain company to leak credentials via a command injection vulnerability. After we get a shell we’ll abuse the fact that our user is able to run docker to spawn a root shell.
THM: Lian_Yu

Lian_Yu is a beginner friendly CTF mostly focused on enumeration. We’ll fuzz a website to find credentials that will get us access to the FTP service. There we’ll find an image file to perform steganalysis on, and that will reveal a password we can use to SSH into the box. Escalating to root from there is just a matter of escaping from a binary we have sudo privileges for.
THM: Brooklyn Nine Nine

Brooklyn Nine Nine is an easy Linux box with 2 different ways to get user shells and to escalate privileges. We’ll cover both solutions here.
THM: Dogcat

Dogcat involves one of my favorite techniques: log file poisoning. We’ll start by enumerating a webapp and finding a LFI bug. Then we can poison the web server’s logs to escalate the LFI to RCE and pop a user shell. From there, getting root is almost too easy. That’s because we’ll find ourselves inside a Docker container, and the final challenge will be escaping to a root shell on the host.
THM: Anonymous

Anonymous is a simple and straightforward Linux box where we’ll take advantage of a misconfigured FTP service to get a shell. From there we’ll escalate our privileges through another misconfiguration, this time through a root-owned binary with SUID permissions.
THM: VulnNet

In VulnNet we’ll enumerate a corporate website and learn of another hidden app hosted on a subdomain. By exploiting an LFI vulnerability on the first site we will leak credentials for the other. After cracking the hash we can authenticate and see what’s hiding on the subdomain. We’ll quickly find the app has public exploits available that can be used to upload a file on to our target and spawn a reverse shell. Finally, with a bit of enumeration on the machine we’ll find a way use wildcard injection to exploit a command in a job that is owned by root and escalate to a root shell.
THM: Battery

Battery is a medium difficulty Linux box that touches on several techniques. We’ll start with fuzzing a webapp and reverse engineering an executable we find on the target as part of our enumeration stage. Then we’ll move on to exploiting a null byte injection vulnerability in the very old version of PHP to gain access to the webapp as an admin user. Once inside we’ll find an XXE bug that will allow us to enumerate files on the target and leak SSH credentials for an unprivileged user. Finally we’ll walk through 2 different privilege escalation techniques to get a root shell and capture the flag!
THM: Ninja Skills

Ninja Skills is not a boot to root challenge – it’s a series of linux command line exercises mostly focused on advanced use of the
command. It starts by giving us a list of file names with a teaser: “The aim is to answer the questions as efficiently as possible." I took that as a challenge to answer each question with a BASH one-liner and with minimal output.
THM: VulnNet Internal

VulnNet Internal is one of the more fun boxes I’ve done so far. For this box we won’t be searching for known exploits or attacking a webapp. Instead, we’ll enumerate several network services to find info that will ultimately help us find a way to a shell. Once we get a user shell we’ll continue enumerating and see what services are running internally. We’ll encounter an internal service running as root that we can create an SSH tunnel to and escalate to a root shell.
THM: Boiler

Boiler is another enumeration-heavy boot to root challenge. It has multiple rabbit holes to keep things interesting, but at least they don’t end up wasting too much time. Once we find the vulnerable application we will use a command injection bug to get a shell. Finding the user flag requires hopping through a couple of user accounts, again by just focusing on simple enumeration. Finally we will escalate to root by exploiting a root-owned SUID binary.
THM: Skynet

Skynet is a fun Terminator themed linux box to practice enumeration on. Getting an intial foothold involves exploiting a straightforward remote file inclusion bug, but we’ll go through a fair amount of enumerating multiple services before finding the way in. After that we’ll use the tar command’s ability to execute arbitrary commands to escalate our privileges and grab the root flag.
THM: RootMe

RootMe is an easy Linux box where we’ll exploit the ability to upload an arbitrary file to get remote code execution. It’s a good box for practicing how to approach a file upload vulnerability when the developer has put some basic defenses in place that must be circumvented in order to achieve RCE.
THM: Mr Robot

Mr Robot is an easy linux box based on the TV series that hosts a WordPress site. We’ll start with some enumeration to find a wordlist that helps us brute force our way into the WP admin panel. Once we have our shell we find a password hash we can crack to access their account and get the 2nd flag.
THM: Glitch

Glitch is a vulnerable NodeJS application with a backdoor in its API which we’ll use to establish an initial foothold. The post-exploitation portion of this box was a lot of fun! We’ll see how to exfiltrate a user’s Firefox profile and run it locally to access their saved logins. After that, escalating to root is more straightforward.
THM: Kiba

Kiba is a quick and fun challenge where we’ll attack a vulnerability in a popular open source data visualization application called Kibana to get remote code execution and gain shell access on the host.
THM: ColddBox Easy

ColddBox is another beginner friendly boot to root challenge. We’ll get a foothold by conducting a dictionary attack to brute force the login for a WordPress site. Once we have access we can use WordPress' built-in code editor to edit a file in the active template to get code execution and pop a reverse shell. There are at least 4 ways to escalate privileges to root, and we’ll cover 2 of them here.
THM: Ignite

Ignite is a very beginner friendly Linux boot to root challenge on TryHackMe. I actually got root before finding the user flag! We’ll be exploiting a CVE in a PHP application to gain access to the box, and from there a little bit of enumeration of the app’s config files reveal the root user’s credentials.