THM: Hacker vs. Hacker

THM: Hacker vs. Hacker is an easy linux box that has already been compromised by another hacker! We’ll start by enumerating a web app to find a file upload vulnerability that the other hacker previously exploited and closed. Then we’ll continue with enumeration to find the webshell they uploaded. Once on the box we will find user creds and a big hint in a bash history file that points to a privesc vector. Finally we’ll exploit a path injection vulnerability to get a root shell.
THM: Archangel

THM: Archangel is fun easy box that has involves one of my favorite techniques: escalating LFI to RCE by poisoning a log file. Once we have a shell we’ll take advantage of open permissions on a file running as cronjob to pivot to another user. And we’ll finish with a path injection attack to root the box.
THM: Wonderland

This Alice in TryHackMe Wonderland themed box is quite the rabbit hole. It starts with some basic web app enumeration, leading us to leaked credentials buried deep in a series of hidden directories. Once we get a foothold we’ll solve a series of path/code injection challenges with some light reversing to make a couple of horizontal jumps before finally getting a root shell. I really enjoyed this box. The hints make it more like a puzzle than realistic hacking challenge, but the privesc was fun.
THM: Mustacchio

Mustacchio is a fun boot to root Linux box. We’ll start with some enumeration on a HTTP service and find credentials for the admin panel in a SQLite database backup. Once we’re in, it quickly becomes apparent we’ll want to test for XXE after more enumeration. With XXE confirmed, we can then exfiltrate the private key of a user on the box and use that to gain SSH access. Finally we’ll escalate privileges by performing a path injection attack on a root-owned SUID binary.